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AS some of you may have noticed from this particular announcement, that I am now officially divorced… from the commitment of owning a stand-mixer (easy, gentlemen…). More accurately, a surprised appliance–widow if you may, still deeply hurt by the concealed unhappiness my stand-mixer had apparently suffered from in the past 4 years, which finally led to his jump off the kitchen counter on a cloudy Oct 24th, decapitating himself in his last, escapist act. The lumpy splatter of an unfinished pizza-dough over the black pavement, was his first and last, silent yet loudest protest, before declaring eternal freedom… from me. Looking back, devastated, I don’t think he has ever loved me…
Now, mid 30’s, dumped, and less equipped…
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I know at times like this, I’m suppose to resort to less labour-intensive tasks in the kitchen, a pasta-salad perhaps, or a one-bowl-pancake mix with added sparkles, maybe even the unthinkable salad, to hide the scars from this tragic embarrassment, and more importantly, look really hot while doing it. But no. In an counter-protest to the irresponsibility of a suicidal stand-mixer, giving up making doughs is admitting defeat. With bare hands, I’m gonna prove that without him, I’m still highly desirable in the dough-market and totally dough-able. Not just the same dough down the sad memory lane, but I’m gonna make something awsome-er, something super-er.
I’m gonna make the incredible, lamahcun and ayran.
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If you have never heard of lahmacun and ayran, they are the food-equivalent of Batman and Robin, the Brangelina of iconic Turkish eats, the perfect pairing where one simply looks/tastes cooler with the other. Since our journey to Istanbul too many years ago, burning through an unapologetic number of this widely available combo, I’ve been longing to break their codes at home and why not now? But to understand their appeal, one must look beyond the simplified description of – the Turkish “pizza” and a yogurt-drink. They are more than that.
The crust, much thinner and less “bubbly” than a chewier pizza-crust, is crispy on the edges and the bottom, feeling more like a crispy flatbread or a sturdy wrap. The “topping”, a loose paste made with ground lamb, tomatoes, onions, ground sumac (a lemony spice) and other various goodnesses, is “rubbed” over and adheres so inseparably onto the thin crust, that they translates more as one single body rather than two separate entities. Lahmacun isn’t toppings on top of a piece of bread. It’s one thing, one individual with two complimentary temperaments. Then at last, equally if not more importantly is the acidity – both from the lemony spice called sumac as well as the generous, final squeeze of lemon juice over a salad of herbs – that makes this Turkish street-eat so satisfyingly robust, but… refreshingly if you will, at the same time.
And of course, here comes Robin, the indispensable sidekick of an established superhero. To simply call ayran a “yogurt drink”, I think you’d be caught off guard, as I did, of how unexpected it tastes. Ayran, a foamy mixture of plain yogurt and water, different from any other beverages you’re used to, is salty. Yes, salty! A description so foreign to drinks that it took me several minutes after the first try, to realize. In fact, it was Jason who said, “I think there’s salt in here”, and me, “No fucking way!”. The initial adjustment created some sort of a sensory confusion, but later on grew into an unexplainable addiction. I almost couldn’t have lamahcun without ayran. It feels lonely, empty… Wrong.
This is a new birth, of a new relationship, and not so fragilely breakable like mine with… you know who. And to all the mixer-single ladies, put your hands up… and make this easy recipe that will mark the new beginning of a true romance.
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Makes: 4 lahmacun and 4 cups of ayran
Before the actual embargo on making lahmacun, I was always under the assumption that the dough would be more or less similar to pizza doughs. No. No it’s not. It is a much drier, firmer dough, made with tons of olive oil with/without eggs. The texture of the dough is much crispier, much more flatbread-like than pizzas that have thicker and chewier crusts. I would really suggest using bread flour (with 12% ~ 14% protein), or 1/2 all-purpose and 1/2 semolina flour to get the texture right.
If this is your first time trying ayran, a Turkish yogurt beverage, you may need some time getting used to it. The saltiness may seem strange in the beginning, but you’ll catch up to it, addicted even, in just a few sips.
In this recipe, 1 cup = 250 ml.
Lahmacun ingredients: adapted from here and there
- The dough:
- 2 cups (300 grams) bread flour, or a combination of all-purpose and semolina flour
- 1 1/2 tsp instant dry yeast
- 1 tsp light brown sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 large egg
- 1/2 cup (115 grams) whole milk
- 1/4 cup (50 grams) extra virgin olive oil, plus more for brushing
- The topping:
- 1/2 small onion, diced
- 10 small or 5 medium tomatoes (weights 170 grams after drained)
- 1 tbsp tomato paste
- 2 tbsp chopped parsley, or cilantro
- 1/2 tbsp chopped mint
- 1/2 tbsp ground sumac (link from Amazon but widely available else where)
- 1 tsp Aleppo chili flakes, plus more for sprinkling
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- 1/2 tsp ground allspice
- 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
- 5.3 oz (150 grams) fatty ground lamb, or beef
- Sumac salad:
- 10 small or 5 large shallots, thinly sliced
- 2 tbsp chopped parsley, or cilantro
- 1 tbsp chopped mint
- 1 tbsp ground sumac (link from Amazon but widely available else where)
- Wedges of lemon to squeeze
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To make the lahmacun: Microwave the milk on high for 30 seconds to warm up. With hands or a stand-mixer, mix bread flour, instant dry yeast, light brown sugar and salt in a bowl. Add large egg, warm milk and extra virgin olive oil (if mixing with hand, make a well in the center of the flour), then knead for 5~6 min until the dough is elastic and smooth. The dough should be very soft and pliable, but not very sticky. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let proof at a warm place for 2 hours, until the dough has doubled.
Gently scrape the dough onto a lightly floured surface, and divide into 4 equal portions. Shape into balls then cover with plastic wrap, and let rest for 30 min.
Meanwhile, preheat the oven on 500ºF/250ºC, with a pizza-stone or inverted cast-iron skillet inside. Then make the topping: Cut tomatoes in half then squeeze out any excess juice and seeds. In a food-processor, add everything under “the topping” except for the ground lamb. Pulse and run until the mixture turns pesto-like. Then add the ground lamb (or beef), and run until the mixture is paste-like. The mixture will feel watery. Set aside. Then make the sumac salad: Mix thinly sliced shallots, parsley, mint and ground sumac until even. Set aside.
To bake the lahmacun: Lightly flour 1 portion of the dough, then roll into a very thin disk. Transfer onto a piece of parchment paper, then brush the edges with olive oil. With your hands, distribute the topping evenly over the dough, press it gently into the dough without tearing it. Slide the parchment with the lamacun on top, over the preheated pizza-stone or inverted skillet. Bake for 5 ~6 min until golden browned on the edges. Repeat with the rest of the lamacun.
Serve with sumac salad on top, a good squeeze of lemon juice and extra chili flakes. Roll it up and enjoy with cold ayran.
- 4 cups (1000 ml) plain yogurt
- 2 cup2 (500 ml) iced water (can be a combination of ice and water)
- 3/4 tsp of salt (plus or minus 1/8 tsp to your personal liking)
Blend plain yogurt, iced water and salt in a blender until foamy and smooth.
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October 29, 2014 at 10:09 PMWhen I first saw that post I was about to cry for you Mandy then I saw the made in china hash tag. Time to up grade girl! This sounds like amazing no stand mixer needed meal. I am about to try ayran tomorrow with my middle eastern lunch because it sounds perfectly refreshing. Delicious recipe with mouth watering photos!
October 29, 2014 at 10:18 PMThis is so, so magical. There’s nothing I love more than carbs and lamb. Mandy, you did it again!
Magda | My Little Expat Kitchen
October 29, 2014 at 10:31 PMI love lahmatzoun and airani! It’s one of my favorite street foods and we make it in Greece too but in a different way. Gotta love this type of food! Yours looks spectacular!
October 29, 2014 at 10:50 PMAhhhh… you got me!
I forgot about this drink. From Persia or Iran …
1 cup yogurt
1 teaspoon cropped fresh mint or dash of dried mint flakes, crushed
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 1/2 cup club soda or water
Place yogurt, mint, salt & pepper into a pitcher. Stir well.
Add club soda or water gradually, stirring constantly.
Add 3/4 ice cubes.
They say this drink is good if you’re having problems sleeping.
October 29, 2014 at 10:53 PMWhat a tragedy!!!!!!! I mourn for you, Mandy. (But also a tiny “muahaha” at the thought that you can now guide me in the non-stand-mixer realm. Sweeettt.) These photos are insane! I’ve never had lahmacun but this is telling me I definitely need to ASAP. Gorgeous. Your stand mixer can’t hold you down from its grave!
October 30, 2014 at 12:12 AMThis looks absolutely amazing. I am so unfamiliar with Turkish food – I can’t wait to try it. And the last picture of the folded over lahmacun with the glass of milk in the background is enough to put you over the top!! You could not have made it look more appetizing if you tried!
Millie l Add A Little
October 30, 2014 at 12:15 AMI’ve never heard of this but clearly need it in my life!!
Ursula @
October 30, 2014 at 2:19 AMAmazing pics! I love Turkish food. Originally coming from Vienna, there are a couple of really good Turkish restaurants around. My favorit though, is PIDE ;-D – it’s easy to make at home and just looks fabulous.
October 30, 2014 at 2:22 AMYum, yum yum! Haven’t eaten this in years. It’s time to do it again. Thanks for jarring my memory banks.
October 30, 2014 at 3:31 AMI am both sad and happy for you, because as women of the 21st century, we need to be free of the standards and expectations set forth on us by our stand mixers, and yet that freedom comes with a cost to our efficiency, sanity, and manicures. Turkey is my #2 place I want to visit, and I’ll be on the lookout for this on the streets when I finally make it there. xx
October 30, 2014 at 4:24 AMGo Mandy, go!!!!
I actually always make dough by hand, and also pie crust, pastry crust and so on. I do it just because I LOOOOVE dirty my hands, but I also like the fact that when I have to move for travel (now I’m 3 months in Austria, for exemple) I can still do the same things, because I don’t need special equipment.
Anyway, I wish you to have soon a new mixer, if that’s what you desire.
Thanks for all the beautiful recipes here!!!
October 30, 2014 at 4:25 AMI meant “move for work”… sorry :-D
Ursula @
November 7, 2014 at 2:33 AMHi Dulcestella, if you are in Austria right now and you like Turkish food, I can recommend you 2 great restaurants in Vienna. One is called Kent (2 branches) and the other one is Diwan (near U3 Schweglerstraße). They serve both awesome food!
November 19, 2014 at 6:01 AMhey, thanks, you’re so kind! Unfortunately, I’m in Innsbruck and I’m supposed to leave at the end of this month… and I’m not here for holiday, so I can’t take enough days to visit Vienna :-S I should, though, because the last time I visited it I was just a teen, and it’s a beautiful city. But I’m positive about it, because I live in North East Italy, not too far away ;-) Thanks again!
October 30, 2014 at 6:24 AMI’ve never tried this dish, but it looks soo good. Ground lamb on flatbread? Yum!
The yogurt drink looks similar to lassis in India :)
Thea @ Baking Magique
November 2, 2014 at 12:53 AMI love your writing! This text was so engaging, fun and personal and I kind of wan’t to make a funeral for your stand mixer… it’s not normal.
Kaitlin | The Woks of Life
November 3, 2014 at 2:36 AMWhen I saw this, my heart nearly stopped. It looks AMAZING. When my sister and I were growing up we had Syrian friends who would make these and they were so freaking good. I bought one the other day from a food truck and it was a sore disappointment. Will be trying this!!!
Dev Reddy
January 13, 2015 at 11:46 AMMarry me !!!
Aya Sallat
March 19, 2015 at 11:18 AMHello,
I really like your blog. I tried this recipe and it came out pretty good. And I am Arab so I know how it is suppose to taste like. As for the dough, I would recommend this book: Her dough for the flat pies is right on, except I think it is best to cook everything on a pizza stone under broil (in the second top shelf after preheating at 500 degree for 30 minutes), as it best mimics a woodfired oven. I’ve tested out different doughs for this many times and this works out the best.
March 19, 2015 at 12:18 PMAya, thanks so much for the advice!!!! I will definitely look into the book! I feel like my lahmacun wasn’t as thin and crispy as the ones I’ve had in Turkey, maybe this book is my answer :) Thanks again! Super helpful.
Aya Sallat
March 22, 2015 at 1:54 AMThe ones I had are crispy and also soft at the same time. Her dough recipe is:
2 1/2 (360 gram) of bread flour
1 c (150 gram) of cake flour (you can use 1 cup all purpose flour and take 2 tbs out and replace it with cornstarch to make your own cake flour)
1 tsp active dry yeast
1 1/4 c (300 ml) lukewarm water
2 tsp salt
1 tbs sugar
1 tbs veg oil
Knead 5-6 minutes. Let rise in a large bowl till doubled. Then punch down the dough and separate to 4-7 pieces(depending size you want). Let sit another 30 minutes. She says its suppose to be 1/4 inch thickness once rolled out. How you cook it makes a difference in the world though. She says to put the stone at the bottom of the oven but I really suggest you try the broiler method as it will cook in 3 minutes and be crispy!
September 4, 2016 at 7:54 PMHi, Can you use a sour dough leaven instead of ordinary yeast?
September 6, 2016 at 1:00 PMRufus, I’ve never tried with sourdough leaven so I can’t say. Sorry!
September 8, 2016 at 8:44 PMOK, I’ll let you know how it goes…
September 14, 2016 at 6:11 PMOK. First attempt almost worked. Your descriptions of the pesto like sauce and dough being soft but not sticky gave me the confidence I was on the right track, thanks.
I was using a brick oven at about 600 F. The end result was just a bit stodgy under the sauce and I’m wondering if I laid it on a bit thick given the edges were crispy but flexible enough to fold, about right. I’d put a fair bit more parsley in the salad.
Run out of seasoned firewood for now but I’ll definitely be giving this another go next year, there are no Turkish shops doing these in my part of the world.
Denise McDonald
March 29, 2020 at 3:51 AMI made this and ate if for a week at work. Co-workers jealous. Thanks!!