

What happens when you practice general lawlessness between a 6-pounds white prince who has, for his entire 14-years of life, consistently mistaken himself as a Magnificent Pit Bull, and a 26-pounds mutt boy who, constantly subjected to his ambiguous status in the house, has quietly developed some sort of combative inferiority-complex?

Sibling rivalries? Boys will be boys? I don’t think so… there’s a hole on Dumpling’s neck right now that looks like my ultimate parental failure.

I know, I know, Cesar Millan, that it’s my fault and not theirs. So now allow me to present you this fresh pork chorizo burger with melted manchego cheese with garlic shrimps and paprika mayo, while I run off to to get some really dirty looks from the vets. Enjoy.


Makes: 4 medium-size burgers

OK, this is one of those recipes with long ingredients-list but barely any work (maybe except for the sweet potato buns…). I don’t think I’ve written a recipe-instruction that’s this short.

It isn’t in any of the pictures above, but I found later that a couple thin slices of tomatoes add freshness and good compliments to the burgers. So I added it onto the ingredients-list.


  • Fresh Mexican chorizo patty: adapted from Charcuterie
    • 17.6 oz (500 grams) of ground pork shoulder, ideally 30% fat
    • 2 cloves of garlic, grated
    • 1 1/2 tsp of Mexican chili powder
    • 1 1/2 tsp of sweet paprika
    • 1 tsp of hot paprika, or cayenne powder
    • 1 tsp of red wine vinegar
    • 1 tsp of tequila
    • 1 tsp of salt
    • 1/2 tsp of freshly ground black pepper
    • 1/2 tsp of dried oregano
    • 1/4 tsp of ground cumin
  • Garlic shrimps/prawns:
    • 8 large shrimps/prawns (2 for each burger), peeled and deveined
    • 3 sprigs of fresh thyme leaves
    • 1 clove of garlic, minced
    • 1/2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil
    • 1/3 tsp of salt
    • 1/8 tsp of freshly ground black pepper
  • Paprika mayo:
    • 3 tbsp of mayonnaise
    • 1 tbsp of tomato paste
    • 1 1/2 tsp of paprika
    • 1 tsp of yellow mustard
    • Juice of 1 juicy lime
  • 4 Sweet potato burger buns (recipe follows)
  • 1/2 heaping cup of shredded manchego cheese
  • A few thin slices of tomatoes

To prepare the chorizo patties: Mix all the ingredients together until evenly combined. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit in the fridge for at least 1 hour, or you can certainly make this the day before and keep in the fridge.

To prepare the garlic shrimp: After peeling, deveining and rinsing the shrimps/prawns, dry them really well on a clean towel. Mix evenly with the rest of the ingredients, cover with plastic wrap and let sit in the fridge for 30 min to 1 hour.

To prepare the paprika mayo: Mix all the ingredients together until even. Set aside.

To make the burger: Divide the chorizo-mixture into 4 equal portions, then shape into patties. It’s very important to make sure the diameter of the patties is slightly larger than the diameter of the buns! Because the patties will shrink during cooking and there’s nothing more infuriating than an “I-shaped” burger. Now, next step is a little unconventional, but I like to dust a thin layer of flour on both sides of the patties so they pan-fry into nice crusts (you can take this as optional). Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat until really hot, then add a small nub of unsalted butter in there and the chorizo patties (maximum 2 patties at a time). Leave the patties to pan-fry without moving, until a nicely browned crust has formed on the bottom. Turn the patties over, then add the shredded manchego cheese on top (2~3 tbsp on each). Cover the skillet completely with a lid and keep cooking on medium-high heat for another 1~2 min (the steam will melt the cheese as well as cook the patties), just until the center of the patties is cooked through. Transfer the patties with whatever crispy cheese-bits on the side, onto a plate and let rest.

Keep the chorizo drippings in the skillet and cook the shrimps/prawns on high-heat, about 1 min on each side until just cooked through. Then set aside.

If you want to toast the buns, remove any food-solids inside the skillet with a bit of oil left, then toast the cut-sides of the buns until golden browned in the same skillet.

Apply a good layer of paprika mayo on both sides of the buns, then put 2 thinly sliced tomatoes and a chorizo patty on top. Slice the shrimps/prawns lengthwise and place over the patty. Close it off with the top bun. I warn you, it’s going to be very messy and drippy… and happy.


SWEET POTATO BURGER BUNS: makes 7 medium-sized buns


  • 1/2 cup (137 grams) of whole milk
  • 1 1/8 tsp of instant dry yeast, or active dry yeast
  • 2 1/4 cups (354 grams) of bread flour
  • 1/2 cup (125 grams) of baked sweet potato
  • 3 tbsp (35 grams) of light brown sugar
  • 3/4 tsp of salt
  • 1/8 tsp of freshly grated nutmeg
  • 1 large egg, separated
  • 3 tbsp (42 grams) of unsalted butter, soften
  • Sea salt flakes and freshly thyme leaves to top

To bake sweet potato: Wash and dry the sweet potato then pierce the skin all over with a fork. Bake in a pre-heated over at 400ºF/200ºC for 40~50 min, until a small knife can be easily inserted into the flesh. Let it cool completely then scoop out the flesh for the following recipe.

To make the sweet potato burger buns: If you are using active dry yeast, heat up the whole milk in the microwave for about 35~45 seconds until it’s warm to the touch but not hot (110~115ºF/43~46ºC). Add the active dry yeast and let it dissolve and foam up for 10 min. If you are using instant dry yeast, omit this step. In a stand-mixer with a dough-hook, add the bread flour, baked sweet potato, light brown sugar, salt, grated nutmeg and 1 large egg yolk (reserve the egg white for egg-wash later). Add whole milk and yeast, then mix on medium speed for 5 min until the dough is elastic and smooth. If the dough is too dry that it won’t come together after a couple minutes, add 1 tsp of the reserved egg white to moisten. Then knead the unsalted butter into the dough on medium speed, 1 tbsp at a time (only add the next addition when the previous one is completely incorporated into the dough). Increase the speed to medium-high and knead the dough for another 6~8 minutes until shiny, elastic and very smooth. The dough should be slightly sticky, but pulls away cleanly from the bowl while the machine’s running.

Place the dough in a large, lightly oiled bowl then cover with plastic wrap. Let proof at a warm/room-temperature spot until fully doubled in size, approx 2 hours. If you are making the buns the day before using (which I did), proof it in the fridge for 18~24 hours. Scrape the dough onto a lightly floured surface and punch out the air. Divide it into 7 equal portions (or 6 if you want it a little bigger). Stretch the surface of the dough and tuck it underneath itself to form a smooth top-surface while shaping the dough into a ball. Place the doughs on a parchment-lined baking-sheet then loosely cover with plastic wrap. Let proof again at room temperature for 45~50 min (or 2 hours if the dough was refrigerated overnight), until the doughs have almost doubled again.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven on 375ºF/190ºC.

Beat the reserved egg-white with 1 tsp of water to make egg-wash. For an extra shiny finish, brush the doughs with egg-wash, then let dry for 5 min and brush again for another coating. Sprinkle the top with flaky sea salt and fresh thyme leaves, then bake in the oven until golden browned, about 20 min.



  • Crystal | Apples & Sparkle

    April 15, 2014 at 9:43 PM Reply

    Great burger. Sweet potato buns sound so good. Hope all is well with your pup. : )

  • Melinda

    April 15, 2014 at 9:54 PM Reply

    Pork & shrimp?? I’m shocked! ;) This looks awesome.

  • Cristina

    April 15, 2014 at 10:44 PM Reply

    I know you claim “not to be a photographer” in your Sites we Love interview, but I really must beg to differ. That burger is downright sexy.

  • Belinda@themoonblushbaker

    April 15, 2014 at 11:12 PM Reply

    Oh no! poor baby! I hope dumpling has a speedy recovery.

    You claim not to be a photographer? You are too humble for your own good Mandy. These burger prove it.

  • stephanie

    April 16, 2014 at 12:57 AM Reply

    gah! those buns! your perfectly pillowy buns get me every time. EVERY. TIME!

  • Becky @ A Calculated Whisk

    April 16, 2014 at 1:36 AM Reply

    This is pretty much the best thing I have ever seen! I need to try shrimp on a burger right away, and manchego is already my favorite. Hope your dog is all right!

  • kate is not a celebrity

    April 16, 2014 at 2:18 AM Reply

    I wish I could reach through my computer and grab this right this instance… I guess I was always a tomboy…

  • Bob Beck @bobskitchenblog

    April 16, 2014 at 2:21 AM Reply

    Looks amazing! I’m hosting a Burgers and Cans slider party next month and I’m definitely using this as one of the slider variations. Great work.

    • Dawn

      July 13, 2014 at 9:55 AM Reply

      You will not be sorry, Bob. They are delicious. Just make sure you make all the components. They work so well together.

  • Erika

    April 16, 2014 at 3:22 AM Reply

    Have Mercy!! You’ve got everything there is to love about life and food between 2 pieces of sweet potato rolls.

  • Sharon | Cheesy Pennies

    April 16, 2014 at 5:30 AM Reply

    Messy, drippy, happy. That’s definitely how I like my burgers. Thank you!

  • David

    April 16, 2014 at 9:17 AM Reply

    I am one of those pedantic fellows who hesitates to call anything that is not “beef patty sandwiched in between a bun” a burger. But that said, I would gladly eat this wonderful creation. Gilt the lily and add a fried egg to this to make it “Bacchus-style.”

  • Laura (Blogging Over Thyme)

    April 16, 2014 at 10:05 AM Reply

    This is the most spectacular burger I’ve ever seen!

  • Michael S.

    April 16, 2014 at 10:58 PM Reply

    You do realize that you just sent me into my kitchen to look for my meat grinder and start up my stand mixer, don’t you?

  • Renee @ Awesome on $20

    April 23, 2014 at 2:59 PM Reply

    This looks amazing. I hope the vet wasn’t too hard on you.

  • Barend (Barry) Strydom

    April 24, 2014 at 12:38 AM Reply

    Any suggestion as two an “acceptible” ratio if I mix pork and beef mince…


      April 24, 2014 at 1:28 AM Reply

      Barend, haaaaa knock yourself out! Even though chorizo is supposed to be pork but I don’t think beef would ruin the party either. I guess a 50/50 is a start?

  • Emily

    April 26, 2014 at 5:19 AM Reply

    these look amazing!!! I have been admiring your blog for a while now! I am currently a graphic design student at University of Wisconsin Stout. Our current project is to make a magazine, I am doing a health food magazine focused on sweet potatoes. I would love to be able to include this recipe along with some of the photography please let me know if this would be okay with, and if so how you would like it cited. It will not be distributed simply printed for class.
    Thank you so much
    Emily Gawronski

  • Lynna

    May 4, 2014 at 7:18 AM Reply

    Seriously, can you get anymore amazing? I wanna be your neighbor and eat all of this stuff. I mean, inhale all of this.

  • Alex Wysocki

    May 14, 2014 at 7:11 PM Reply

    I just can’t even.. this literally looks like the best thing i’m ever going to eat. I’m cooking for lots of men on saturday as they watch the FA cup final. (what a wife.)
    This will be what they’re eating. omg.

  • Joop

    June 27, 2014 at 2:47 AM Reply

    Sounds like a great recipe, I can’t wait to try it! I make Shrimp Burgers with a similar recipe which include some lime zest. I pan fried them in a little garlic butter and served them on a toasted bun with lettuce, tomato and avocado…..what a hit!!

    The good news-bad news is that you have to prepare and eat them in short order. They are good cold and sort of OK when nuked. Best when hot and sizzling.

    While cruising the net, I came across Chef Big Shake’s Original Shrimp Burgers from . They come frozen and have a year shelf life. Pretty easy to prepare and quite good which makes it nice when the spirit moves you.

    After cooking, we squeeze a little fresh lime on them and add the avocado. Voilà!

  • Peter @Feed Your Soul Too

    June 28, 2014 at 3:45 AM Reply

    I really love the fusion concept and thought this would be a fun idea for a party. So I featured it on my Friday Five – Mexican addition over @Feed Your Soul Too –

  • Dawn

    July 13, 2014 at 9:52 AM Reply

    I made these as soon as you posted them and they were a big hit. My son wants me to make them for the guys at his precinct in a couple of weeks. Twenty policemen. They can probably each eat two or more. Sheesh! I think that to leave any one of the components out is a mistake. The burger needs that bun and that bun needs the sauce and the meat and the shrimp. It all works perfectly. Wish me luck.

    • mandy@ladyandpups

      July 13, 2014 at 3:01 PM Reply

      DAWN: OH wow… 40 burgers?! That’s a record for sure :) I’m so glad you liked it! Say hi to those awesome policemen for me!!

  • G

    September 13, 2014 at 12:47 PM Reply

    Lookd amazing but don’t call it Chorizo ! To be chorizo it should have been stuffed and aged , seasoned pork burger sounds fair enough

  • Quin

    October 23, 2014 at 11:13 AM Reply

    I made this for family dinner yesterday, it is so so delicious. I don’t have tequila, hence I replaced with some beers. Everyone loved it so much. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  • Fred Terling

    October 25, 2014 at 1:47 AM Reply

    Amazing. Going to make these this weekend. Your photos are immaculate. Food is the most challenging to shoot. I can taste and smell these burgers!

  • Casey

    January 31, 2015 at 3:24 AM Reply

    That is one sexy burger! My full acclimation into vegetarian life might have to wait until I make this.

  • Sarah

    February 20, 2015 at 7:17 PM Reply

    Oh Dear God! I made these last night after finding you via Pinterest, they were incredible!!!!! Without doubt one of the best things I have ever eaten! I used shop bought buns but I’m definitely going to have a bash at the sweet potato buns another time.

    Now I’m gonna stalk the hell out of your page! :)

    Sooooo good! Thank you x

  • Shannon

    March 13, 2015 at 9:45 PM Reply

    We made the burgers with the shrimp (minus the buns and cheese) and they were great! Hubby wanted more but I had froze the other two already! lol!

  • Lapinka

    April 3, 2015 at 7:42 PM Reply

    I’ve just cooked and eaten them with my mum, we’re not so big fans of burgers, but this one looked sooo good in the photo I just wanted to give it a try. Delicious! I made two more for my bf and dad, I’m sure they’ll love them too!

  • Rebecca

    April 10, 2015 at 8:44 AM Reply

    Making these right now! You don’t need to scoop the sweet potato out. Just cut it in half while slightly warm and it will slide right out! I bought a meat grinder just for this recipe.

    • mandy@ladyandpups

      April 10, 2015 at 12:34 PM Reply

      Rebecca, wow that’s commitment!! Hope you have great success with it :)

  • Dave

    June 11, 2015 at 5:38 AM Reply

    Oh my GOD this looks RIDICULOUS!!!! O_____O

  • Andrea

    June 12, 2015 at 7:52 AM Reply

    Huge hit with my family! Thank you for all the amazing favor! So good!

  • Marie Czarnecki

    June 21, 2015 at 10:05 AM Reply

    What really pisses me off is, you like the recipe and can not print the damn thing, or you can not find the printer to say print!!!!! I have not had any problem going on and printing from YUMMLY , and I understand it is the person who put recipe on this post. For God sakes I can’t write it out long hand!!!!!!

    • Carolize Herbst

      May 23, 2016 at 3:03 AM Reply

      Please calm down. The time it took you to write this reply, could have been used to take down the recipe. Please stop throwing tantrums and spreading your negative energy on a site that is supposed to be for enjoyment. And sure you can write it out long hand, and if that doesn’t work, maybe take a course in copy and paste?

  • june tennant

    June 21, 2015 at 10:40 PM Reply

    Is the Chorizo patty soft like a burger patti? The Chorizo in Mexico comes in a chub like package and is quite soft. In Canada it is like a farmers sausage…hard and you slice it. How would I incorporate a hard chorizo sausage into your Mexican Burger or where can I get the kind of Chorizo you mention. I am close to the Washington Border in BC.

    • mandy@ladyandpups

      June 21, 2015 at 11:39 PM Reply

      June, In this recipe, the “chorizo” is made fresh with ground pork and spices. If you want to use store bought, choose the soft kind but it may be saltier than this recipe.

  • Shanta

    July 9, 2015 at 11:38 AM Reply

    I’m in bed right now, it’s about 11:35 in Atlanta….I have work at 6am, but I can’t sleep now! This burger won’t let me rest. I have about 10 lbs to shed, but this burger might just be my stumbling block. Smh… I’m going to try and wait until I drop 10 lbs and let THIS be my treat, but I don’t know…..I JUST DON’T KNOW! #decisionsdecisions

  • Shanta

    July 9, 2015 at 11:41 AM Reply

    Oh… and I blame you. (deep sigh) ***blank stare*** lolol thanks for sharing what I know is an awesome recipe.

    • mandy@ladyandpups

      July 9, 2015 at 1:41 PM Reply

      Shanta, hahhaa i know EXACTLY how you feel! believe me!! those damn 10 lbs….

  • Danny Mallory

    July 12, 2015 at 10:29 PM Reply

    Fantastic and creative recipe here, Mandy. We made these last night and they were fantastic! All of your recipes (and photography) are fantastic!

    A huge thank you all the way from Virginia!

  • Jill Shepherd

    August 3, 2015 at 11:51 AM Reply

    Saw them. Made them. Followed the recipe exactly. Verdict – Hell. Yes.

    Thanks for the awesome recipe! All in all, a tiny bit involved, but SO worth the extra bit of work. The homemade buns really blew it out of the water too!

  • Jorgiboy

    November 4, 2015 at 7:44 AM Reply

    Amazing burger!!! Yes, you take amazing photos!!! Cheers!!
    * Imgur sent me here!!!

  • Emily

    April 29, 2016 at 11:29 AM Reply


    Would it be possible to freeze the sweet potato buns after the first proof to bake several days later?


    • mandy@ladyandpups

      April 29, 2016 at 12:11 PM Reply

      Emily, I haven’t tried doing that but I can’t see why not. Maybe reserve the last proofing after freezing. Let it sit several hours at a warm place until almost doubled


    June 28, 2016 at 6:50 PM Reply

    Good Lord! That looks sinful. Exactly the kind of stuff I would love to make and eat.

  • Niamh

    August 16, 2016 at 2:03 AM Reply

    Made these for my school food tech assessment and the result was astonishing!!! These are the best burgers I’ve ever had. The paprika sauce tops of the taste of these delicious burgers and the flavours just dance in your mouth! I didn’t have time to make the shrimps but was amazing without them….!! Would definitely recommend these to anyone!! AMAZING!!

  • Prajakta

    October 6, 2016 at 10:35 AM Reply

    I just made these for dinner. They were so delicious!! Great recipe!! Thanks for sharing

  • Jessica

    October 10, 2016 at 9:20 PM Reply

    I made this recipe, including the buns for a family “cook-off” competition. Needless to say, I won. I made them in a cast iron skillet, on the grill, and it was phenomenal.

  • Trini L

    February 24, 2017 at 9:27 AM Reply

    I messed up on the buns. I forgot the egg yoke in my dough so I decided for store brought buns instead. The meat, sauce and shrimps were exquisite. The flavors, textures all blended together and melted in your mouth. The sause was the key element to this burger.

  • Trini L

    February 24, 2017 at 9:28 AM Reply

    I made this today but i messed up on the buns. I forgot the egg yoke in my dough so I decided for store brought buns instead. The meat, sauce and shrimps were exquisite. The flavors, textures all blended together and melted in your mouth. The sause was the key element to this burger.

  • Barry

    March 25, 2017 at 9:40 AM Reply


    I am going to give this a try and, If I remember, get back to you! Luckily I have everything on hand except good bread. I’m not so sure about something called a “sweet potato bun” though. ;)

    Either way I’m sure I can remedy the bread issue tomorrow afternoon.

    Thanks for sharing!


  • Theodore

    September 13, 2017 at 10:26 AM Reply

    Am I cooking the shrimp?

  • Venisa

    August 4, 2018 at 3:52 PM Reply

    I like the burger, I try it with this recipe, terimasih already share

  • Charm

    October 31, 2018 at 5:49 PM Reply

    Tried the sweet potato rolls but subbed it with Indonesian purple sweet potatoes and it turned out a beautiful purple colour and tasted wonderful! Happy to have made a successful bread after failing with all my sourdough/wholewheat attempts haha. Going to try making the same rolls but subbing in half of the bread flour for whole wheat soon. Thanks mandy!

  • Awesome Dairy

    January 18, 2019 at 2:51 PM Reply

    Amazing pictures and will soon give the recipe a try

  • Frankie

    October 30, 2020 at 4:20 AM Reply

    Hi Mandy, last June (2020) my son had to make something purple, be it crafted, painted, or baked; well, we chose to bake. I used your Sweet Potato Hamburger buns recipe and just substituted Japanese purple yam for orange yam and it turned out FANTASTIC!

    My question: Can I make these the night before up to and including shaping them into the hamburger bun form but let rise in the fridge over night to bake fresh first thing in the morning (like at 7am to be ready for 8:30am)?

    • mandy@ladyandpups

      October 30, 2020 at 1:33 PM Reply

      Frankie, I think the buns may overproof in the fridge overnight because of the amount of yeast in the dough. If you want to do it, I’d recommend freezing the buns for 1 hour first then move to the fridge to slow down the process.

  • Kathy

    May 13, 2022 at 12:57 AM Reply

    I was wondering is there another bun you can recommend I don’t have the physical strength to try and make buns.
    Thank you

  • Russ

    September 21, 2022 at 3:48 PM Reply

    Hi Mandy, this is an awesome burger… love it, thank you.

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