Search: douban


[ezcol_1fifth]-[/ezcol_1fifth] [ezcol_3fifth] KHAO SOI HAPPENS TO HAVE THE RIGHT BALANCE OF BOTH EXOTICISM AND SAFETY IN THE EYE OF A CAUTIOUSLY CURIOUS BACKPACKER. Scad has been said about khao soi on the internet — some well-informed and some, not so much — so I think...


[ezcol_1half] I TAKE MY CRACK, VERY… VERY, SERIOUSLY [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] I AM not, by even the most flexible standard, what you would call a person of a particular faith… I have no investments in god/gods, demon, Buddha, ghost, after-life, next-life, karma, heaven or hell… or...


“Missing only one of these ingredients…? THEN DON’T EVEN BOTHER!” I probably talk about myself too much. Yeah, people don’t like girls who talk about themselves too much, who can’t discuss Life of Pi without bringing up their ex-boyfriends.  I… can’t be that girl, right?  But oh...

Dan Dan Your Face Off

I’m gonna be away for the entire next week…… (walking away from the computer and doing a little touch-down dance…)(wait… wait for it…)(OK I’m back).  Tagging along on her husband’s every single business trip to Hong Kong may not be the idea of a modern...